Thursday, July 11, 2013


I'd forgotten how much walking there is in New York. Or, more accurately, I'd forgotten how exhausted I get when walking in the heat! I got a lot of sleep last night to make up for it, and I plan an early bedtime tonight, too.

Earlier this week I hung out with Lizzy and did some work (it ain't all fun and games out here, kids), and on Wednesday I met up with a fellow former Swattie, which was nice. Yesterday, I got a gigantic bagel with spinach tofu spread and nova lox, and oh right, met up with Neena (!!) who I hadn't seen in more than a year (!!!!). We only had a couple hours together, but it was lovely. Neens, you need to get yourself to a more convenient location!

Today, I left Lizzy's and headed to the lovely Zoe's place, slightly further uptown and a few blocks west (which puts it less than half a mile away from the nearest subway stop, hurray!). I'm always so happy when I get to see my girls, and I wish we could get together more often. We've got a Skype date tonight, though, after we meet up with Lucas for dinner, which should be great––thank heavens for modern technology. And yay for Swatties! My feelings about the college may be mixed, but goshdarn I miss my friends.

Tomorrow I fly out at 4:43 from JFK, which means I have to leave Zoe's at, like, noon. Gross. I'm debating whether to take a shuttle that costs $24 (plus tip, I assume) and picks me up at the apartment or to do the two-subways-and-a-tram that costs $11. I should probably just pay the extra for the convenience, but I already spent a fortune on a taxi from JFK to Lizzy's, so...hmmmm. Suggestions?

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